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Home | Ingrid Shequin | Chinese Medicine | Acupuncture | Herbal Therapy | Diet & Lifestyle | Facials | Mother/Baby Pregnancy
Chinese herbs, Chinese herbal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, acupressure, alternative medicine, integrative approach to wellness, holistic healing, bodywork, remedial massage, chi energy balance, integrative medicine, alternative medicine, treat stress, back pain, chronic pain, headaches, PMS, weight control, fertility, infertility Encinitas, Carlsbad, La Costa, Rancho Santa Fe, Cardiff, Leucadia, Olivenhein, San Diego North County

Chinese herbal therapy addresses imbalances in the body that Western medicine typically does not. Developed over centuries, herbal treatments have been used to treat and prevent mental, physical, and emotional illness. They are particularly effective in treating "vague" complaints that indicate imbalances in the body's systems and disharmony within its environment, such as:
  • digestive upsets
  • headaches
  • muscle tension
  • fatigue
  • sleeplessness
  • anxiety
  • head stuffiness
  • energy depletion
  • Herbal therapy works best for the basically "healthy" person who has system imbalances that have most often been caused by stressful living, poor diet, and even heredity. Using ancient and proven herbal therapy, Shequin Acupuncture has restored physical and emotional harmony to many patients.

    Chinese herbs are very safe when prescribed correctly by the properly trained practitioner. They work much like pharmaceutical drugs can, but with fewer or no side effects.

    Start feeling better, TODAY! Schedule an appointment... call 760-944-3840 or go to our contact us page.

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