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Home | Ingrid Shequin | Chinese Medicine | Acupuncture | Herbal Therapy | Diet & Lifestyle | Facials | Mother/Baby Pregnancy
Encinitas acupuncturist and former registered nurse provides total approach to health through highly successful integrative methodologies for treatment of chronic pain, anxiety, pain treatment, weight loss, and infertility using acupuncture, acupressure, Chinese herbs medicine. Best care provided through acupuncture, remedial massage, energy healing, integrative alternative medicine, and acupressure.

Encinitas acupuncturist trained in eastern and western medicine. Ingrid Shequin, L.Ac was a registered nurse for many years. Get best treatment for back pain, weight loss, headaches, bodyaches, high blood pressure, stress, and other conditions through acupuncture and an integrative, holistic approach. This acupuncture practice is located in Encinitas and serves Carlsbad, Leucadia, La Costa, Rancho Santa Fe, Cardiff, and other San Diego North County residents. Walk into the Encinitas garden cottage office of Shequin Acupuncture and immediately throw off the stresses of everyday life. Ingrid Shequin, L.Ac., R.N. welcomes you to the acupuncture practice with a calm, reassuring presence, and an impressive knowledge of medicine.

"My philosophy is to offer patients effective, minimally invasive treatments for their health concerns. In addition to treating their immediate needs, my goal is to educate and counsel them about disease prevention through lifestyle & nutrition. I also recommend the use of traditional Chinese medicine as a preventive measure. My background as an R.N. enables me to offer an integrative approach between Eastern and Western medicine."

Ingrid Shequin's extensive professional training spans 20 years. She also maintains and broadens her skills by regularly attending a wide variety of continuing education courses and seminars. Learn more about Ingrid Shequin's professional training & background. This Encinitas acupuncturist is highly qualified and highly regarded.

Ingrid Shequin, L.Ac., R.N. - Background

Ingrid Shequin, L.Ac., R.N. was born, raised, and educated in Germany. She obtained a nursing license and has worked as an R.N. in Germany, Switzerland, and California for over 20 years.

Ingrid is a Licensed Acupuncturist and has practiced in California since 1992.

  • Licensed, Registered Nurse (R.N.)
  • Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine - Acupunture, Chinese Herbology, Nutrition, Tui Na Massage (Pacific College of Oriental Medicine; San Diego, 1992)
  • Board Certified Diplomat in Acupuncture by the National Commission for Certification of Acupuncturists
  • Licensed Acupuncturist by the State of California Acupuncture Committee
Postgraduate studies include:
  • Certification in Dr. Yitian Ni's Traditional Chinese Gynecology
  • Dr. Richard Tan's Balance Method
  • Master Tong's Acupuncture Point System
  • Qigong (Exercise, Breathing, and Meditation Techniques)
  • Treatment of Pain and Injuries of the Neck, Upper Extremities, Back, Hips, & Lower Extremities with
    Matt Callison's Motor Points Needling and PNF Stretching
  • Chinese Herbs in Clinical Practice
Do you live with chronic pain, headaches, bodyaches, poor digestion, stress, or any other debilitating condition? You don't have to!  Chinese Medicine, including Chinese herbs and acupuncture, along with diet & lifestyle changes, can help. Conveniently located in Enicintas, close to Carlsbad, La Costa, Cardiff, and Rancho Santa Fe. Make an appointment for an evaluation, today. Call 760-944-3840 or go to our contact us page.

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